Twitter wants you to pay people to read their social media posts


Social media giant Twitter has started exploring new products, including a “Super Follow” feature that will allow users to charge subscribers a fee for accessing premium tweets.

CNET reports that Twitter has started exploring a number of new products, including a “Super Follow” feature that allows creators to offer access to premium posts for a fee, as well as groups to facilitate discussion of interests. .

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said on Thursday during the company’s first virtual analytics day: “We are focusing on public conversation as a use case and this use case will be associated with several. formats. “

Super Follows and Tips are a key new product that Twitter is focusing on. The features will allow creators and publishers on Twitter to charge a monthly subscription fee in order to view exclusive content or newsletters.

Dantley Davis, head of the company’s design and research operations, said the products that fund creators motivate them “to continue to create great content that their audiences love.” The platform plans to roll out the Super Follow product this year.

Twitter has also stepped up its efforts to make it easier for users to find new topics and interests. Twitter plans to support Facebook groups with new product call Communities that will allow people to join conversations are a specific topic.

“Today it can seem deaf to talk about a hobby or interest amid the intense global public conversation about the pandemic,” said Kayvon Beykpour, product manager at Twitter. As a result, Twitter is working on a solution by creating a way for users to discuss their interests in small groups.

Learn more about CNET here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact by secure email at [email protected]


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