Twitter will soon allow you to use a security key as the only 2FA method


Twitter is planning a future update that will allow accounts enabled with two-factor authentication to use security keys as the only authentication method, the company said on Monday. Right now, you can use a passkey to log into your Twitter account, but you must have another 2FA method – like an authenticator app or SMS codes – enabled as a backup.

While authenticator apps like Google Authenticator or Authy are more secure than using SMS codes for 2FA, security keys – physical keys that connect to your computer via USB or Bluetooth – are the most secure way. sure to protect an online account. Users do not have to type in any code that could be intercepted by a malicious third party.

You connect the key, your browser issues a challenge, and then the key cryptographically signs the challenge and verifies your identity. Another benefit of using a passkey is that users don’t have to provide Twitter with additional personal information, such as a phone number, in order to log into their accounts.

Twitter also said on Monday that it would allow multiple security keys on a single account; until today, it only allowed one key per account, in addition to the other 2FA methods. In December, Twitter announced that it was add support for the security keys of 2FA-compatible accounts when users log into its mobile applications.

A Twitter spokesperson said on Monday that there was no timeline for the 2FA-only security key to take effect.


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