Two defensive linemen are ready to play Sunday night


After JJ Arcega-Whiteside was called for stopping Miles Sanders' 21-yard touchdown, he went back on the sidelines, where Jason Peters gave him some tips on how to run that block without committing a penalty .

Then J.P. saw the play on film.

"He told me," You did not do anything wrong, "JJAW said. He said, "It was not a catch. "

It was not a hold, but it's recorded in the record books.

Welcome to the NFL.

Arcega-Whiteside and Sanders, the Eagles' second-round pick, were playing their first game of the NFL regular season on Sunday.

With 5:55 remaining in the fourth quarter and the Eagles 29-20, Sanders broke through a huge hole dug by Jason Kelce and Brandon Brooks and made his way into the end zone for what should have been his first touchdown. and a 36 -20 lead.


Arcega-Whiteside was quoted for holding Redskins cornerback Josh Norman around the 15-meter line, though if you look at the play, you can see JJAW disengage as Sanders passes in front of them.

Norman collapses on the ground and hits Sanders, but the rookie is gone.

It should have been a 21-yard touchdown.

"I knew he was not," Sanders said. "I knew right. It was my first touchdown. It's a BS call. But that's what it is. We have the W. "

The Eagles won 32-27, but Sanders is still looking for his first official touchdown.

"I mean, what can you do?" Said Arcega-Whiteside to John Clark of NBC Sports in Philadelphia. "It's a bit bad because I play in five plays and one of them was a penalty. On top of that, is it gaining a touchdown from a guy I came here with? But just live and learn.

"I asked the guys, I asked the coaches, what can I do in this situation, and they did not say anything. 'What are we going to do, are you told to block less aggressively?' Let him do the tackle? The next time I see a flop, I will have to do it too.

Arcega-Whiteside said he was not too unhappy with the fake call because he knew he was going to have another chance to block his rookie compatriot in a touchdown that will count.

"One hundred percent," he says. "Just as I know he's going to get one for me."

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