Two reports describe the major new features iOS 13 and macOS 10.15


The front of the iPad 2019
Enlarge / The front of the Air iPad 2019.

Samuel Axon

Two reports by Guilherme Rambo on 9to5Mac, citing "people familiar with the development" of macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, may have revealed some remarkable new features of Apple's operating systems for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

In the first report, released yesterday, Rambo describes new additions to iOS 13, which should long be a major release after iOS 12 has focused on improving performance and reliability.

According to the report, iPads running iOS 13 will support multiple windows: "Each window may also contain sheets initially attached to a portion of the screen but can be detached by a gesture of sliding to become a map that can be moved. freely." Users will be able to stack cards or dismiss them with a gesture.

In addition, Safari will default to desktop versions of iPad websites.

A new gesture will be added to cancel or redo, according to the article. Currently, you have to physically shake the device, which is not a very nice way to handle it. Instead, iOS 13 will allow you to drag three fingers on the keyboard: left to cancel, right to restore. Apple is also planning an improvement in the process of installing and managing fonts on iOS devices, with a new panel in the Settings application.

Other minor updates described in the report include a remodeled Reminders application, a less intrusive volume UI, new gestures for selection in tables and collections, and the automatic organization of Mail messages. The report also mentioned a kind of API that allows developers to integrate into their applications collaboration features similar to those available in Pages and other applications designed by Apple.

Finally, the dark mode arrives on iOS 13, as has already been reported elsewhere. 9to5Mac says it will include both a normal dark mode and a high contrast alternative.

External displays in macOS

In a separate article on macOS released earlier in the day, Rambo writes that the next major release of the operating system will feature a new feature called Sidecar, which allows users to "send any window". any application on an external display, "including an iPad.

This feature works especially with the Apple Pencil, that is, you can draw on the tablet when an application window is sent to it, which makes the iPad similar to a Wacom tablet. This could create a powerful coupling for digital artists working with a Mac and iPad Pro, or even the new iPad Air.

The 9to5Mac report states that Sidecar will live in a menu that will appear when you move your Mac cursor over the maximize button in the window. Selecting an external display (iPad or otherwise) will send the window to this display, in full screen.

We'll learn a lot more about iOS 13 and macOS 10.15 from Apple at the company's developer conference in June. Both operating systems are expected to be launched to users this fall.


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