Tyler1 loses $ 10,000 bet against Yassuo


The $ 10,000 bet between Tyler "Tyler1" Steinkamp and Moe "Yassuo" is finally over.

At the beginning of the month, the two banners made a bet to see who could climb the highest in League of Legends starting with an unclassified account. The only rule was that the two streamers could not use their favorite champions: Draven for Tyler1 and Yasuo for Yassuo.

Today, the bet finally ended and Yassuo was declared the winner – and it was not even close. Yassuo finished with a Grandmaster rank and about 250 LP. Tyler1, meanwhile, could not escape Diamond and finished Diamond I with 50 LPs. Throughout the challenge, there were times when Tyler1 reached Master, but he was demoted to Diamond in a day or two.

The two banners being unable to use their main champions, they had to rely on others. Tyler1 spent most of his time playing Sivir, winning 62% of wins in 73 games played. When he was not playing Sivir, his other favorite champions were Vayne, Ezreal and Kai'Sa. Yassuo spent most of her matches as Irelia mid-stringer with a 71% win rate on 56 games played. When Yassuo did not play Irelia, he usually used Neeko, LeBlanc and Akali.

The bet was not totally free. Tyler1 and Yassuo both have a good share of their teammates who have deliberately lost games to influence their rankings. Some viewers even took matters into their own hands and targeted banners that, in their opinion, were underperforming.

In the end, it is obvious that the bet was beneficial for Tyler1 and Yassuo, as their two chains developed during the month. For the moment, it seems that Yassuo is the best player of the two, but who knows if it would always be the case if Tyler1 was able to play Draven.


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