17.38% The size of the underground economy of Jordanian production


Amman – A recent study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) showed that the rate of the informal economy (underground economy) in Jordan was 17.38% of GDP for the years 1991 to 2015.
What are the lessons learned over the last twenty years, the informal economy in Jordan is between 13.44% and 21.2% in the first twenty years of study, according to the working paper that indicates that the size of the informal economy is declining as a percentage of GDP, The second half of the study took place in 2004. The study noted that the effect of the use countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey did not appear in their results, as the methodology adopted did not quantify this effect, which means that the size of the informal economy may be larger than the size of the informal economy. appeared in the study.
The rate of the underground economy in Qatar reached 15.93% of GDP between 1991 and 2015, Saudi Arabia 16.56% and Syria at 19.58%, while in countries like Japan Egypt 34.24%, Morocco 34.1%, Lebanon 31.58% and Algeria 30.86% In the United Arab Emirates, it was 26.54%.
Overall, the rate was 31.9% Switzerland was the least developed country The shadow of the underground economy rate is the ability of the state to regulate and control the activities economic and to reduce tax evasion, and therefore capacity Estimate the size of the product more precisely, being the most important tool for measuring economic activities.The study adopted in its approach to the method to combine the method of study between sectors at the micro level and the level of demand for the currency and methodology of indicators and multiple cases. (Petra) – Fayek Hijazin

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