18 billion riyals of non-oil exports in 9 months


18 billion riyals of non-oil exports in 9 months

Non-oil domestic exports jumped to 18 billion riyals in the first nine months of this year, up 36.5 percent from the same period last year.
Qatar's monthly report on foreign trade with the private sector showed that the total value of Qatari non-oil exports amounted to SR 1.642 billion in September 2018, compared to SR 1.570 billion for the same month of the year. last,%. The report, drawn from the original certificates of the Department of Research and Studies and the Chamber Department, revealed that 3015 certificates of origin had been issued last September, including 2718 model certificates. in general, 130 unified certificates from GCC countries, 18 certificates of origin by preference and a uniform certificate of origin for Singapore.
The growth
Saleh bin Hamad Al Sharqi, General Manager of the Chamber, commented on non-oil export data for September 2018, praising the continued growth of the chamber, as well as the chamber's important role in supporting local products. and finding new export opportunities. Different global markets. Al-Sharqi pointed out the facilities provided by the state to boost investment in various productive sectors in order to achieve high levels of self-sufficiency and thus increase export rates, which has contributed to the promotion of non-oil exports, which are on an upward trend.

The pace of export growth has accelerated

The value of monthly exports increased from RS 2,118.2 million in January to RS 2,165.4 million in February, an increase of 2.23%, while in March it had dropped to 1,356 million SAR, a decrease of 37.4%, then to SAR 2,270 million, an increase of 67.4%, to fall again during the month of May to 1905 million riyals, a decrease of %, then decrease in June to 1655.4 million riyals, a decrease of 13.1% from May, then again in July; At 2,660.3 million SAR, then 2264.7 million RS in August, a decrease of 14.9%. In September to reach 1642.03 million riyals of 27.4%.

Main export products

The list was at the top of aluminum in its various forms (alloys, cutting tools, molds and slabs) .The value of exports amounted to 319.035 million riyals, or 19.4% of the total. total value of non-oil exports in September 2018. Networks, with a value of 289.519 million RS, or 17.6% of the total value of exports.

Our exports reach 60 markets

Qatar's non-oil exports to 60 countries in September 2018, up from 59 in August,
Including the number of 13 Arab countries, including the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and 15
European countries, including Turkey, 16 Asian countries except the Arab countries, 14 African countries except the Arab countries and two countries of North America.
Compared to the previous August 2018, the number of countries exporting non-oil products in September increased with only one country. At the block and cluster level, the number of Arab countries, including GCC countries, which received Qatari exports from 11 countries in August, rose to 13 in September, while the number of African countries The exception of the Arab countries increased from 11 in August to 14 countries in September 2018, while the number of Asian countries, with the exception of the Arab countries, increased from 18 in August to 16 in September and the number of European countries rose from 16 in August to 15 in September 2018. The North American group remained the same It has two states in August and September, while South America and Austral In l '; absence of export destinations for this month.

Oman is the largest recipient of Qatar's exports

The Sultanate of Oman tops the list of countries receiving Qatari exports exporting non-oil in September 2018, with total exports amounting to 689.739 million riyals, representing 42.1% of the total value. non-oil exports during the month, followed by Hong Kong with total exports amounting to 235.724 million Saudi exports reached 151.883 million SAR, or 9.2%, followed by 90.195 million SR and 5.5% by the fourth exporting country, while Lebanon ranked fifth with exports worth 67,664 million SAR. And 4.1% of the total value Non-oil exports in the month of September 2018, then came from China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Germany and the values ​​of the reports variables, respectively, as shown in the previous table. The volume of non-oil exports to Lebanon during this month reached the fifth place on the list of important non-oil export countries during this month. The markets of the top ten countries accounted for 87.8% of total exports non-oil in September 2018.;

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