2018 World Cup .. Van Basten criticizes Neymar because of his repeated fall


Former Dutch striker Marco van Basten said Thursday that Brazilian striker Neymar was making people laugh

Van Basten is the development chief of the International Federation (FIFA). Consider yourself.

He told reporters, "Overall, this is not a good behavior.You must do everything in your power and will not help you play too much." At this point, I think that 39, he must understand his position. "

" It's always nice to have a little humor, it makes people laugh and it's positive. "

No doubt, Neymar was a victim of "

But Carlos Alberto Pereira, chairman of a FIFA technical committee at the World Cup, said that Neymar was often treated harshly.

L & # 39; Brazilian coach Pereira said at the 1994 and 2006 World Cups: "He suffers a lot of irregularities and sometimes falls inadvertently. (Brazil) is always a player that makes the difference. "

Brazil's hopes of winning the World Cup for the sixth time were lost when they lost 2-1 to Belgium in the eighth round .. fbq === undefined")
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