21 Centric Fox lifts offer for Sky


21 Century Fox's group, owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, announced yesterday that it had increased its bid to acquire the Sky Sky European television group of £ 24.5 billion and exceed the Rival offer from Comcast.

For 21st Century Fox to Acquire 61% of Sky

The 21 Century Fox, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has increased its bid from £ 10.75 to 14 pounds.

Following the announcement Despite the new offer, Sky shares fell 1.3% to 14.81 pounds.

(Sky) and the independent committee (Sky Commission) agreed to agree on an agreement to increase the financial offer.

Fox's new bid estimates Sky's total value at 24.5 billion pounds (32,

Fox is seeking to buy the entire group amid fears of the British government regarding the plurality of media and broadcast standards and the influence of Murdoch on the American media pole. Born in Australia.

Murdoch has two major British newspapers, The Times, "The Sun" Critics say that he was able to take full control of Sky News, it would give him a lot of influence in the information industry.

To address these concerns, Fox proposed to sell Sky News to Disney Group in full acquisition

Sky's efforts are further complicated by a battle between Walt Disney and Comcast over key assets of Century Century Fox.

And if the Disney show succeeds, the company gets 39% actions "Fox" in Sky as part of the af

The importance of Sky comes from its cover of the English Premier League. The group also offers high-speed Internet and telephone services.

SKY changed its Skype name after accepting Sky Italia and most Sky Deutschland shares in 2014.

In 2011 Murdoch was forced to stop his offer to take control of SkyBee following a controversy over the publication of his yellow newspaper "News of the World" by hacking figures and victims of crimes that have led to its closure.

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