3.1 million residents of Dubai, where the daily attendance of 4.3 million – urgent news


The population of Dubai rose to 3 million, 136,000 and 400 people by the end of the third quarter of 2018, an increase of 232,400 people compared to the end of the third quarter of last year, with a growth rate of 7.7%, according to the Dubai Statistics Center.

"The dynamic nature of Dubai as a global economic and tourism hub contributes to a significant increase in the number of people present during normal peak hours to reach 4,291,400 people," said Arif Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the Dubai Statistics Center. . The usual residents of about one million and 155,000 people are in the emirate temporarily for work or tourism in most cases. "

Exceptional increase
He added "that it is important to calculate the movement of people at peak hours, as well as the population of the emirate, to determine the needs for infrastructure and security services, among others, which represents about 37% of the emirate population, which in itself constitutes an exceptional increase.

"The average population of the emirate of Dubai is estimated at 6.6%, while the natural rate of increase is 1.1%," said the executive director of the Dubai Statistics Center. With population growth at the end of the third quarter of the year, 7.7% compared to the same period last year. "

The distribution of the UAE population residing in the emirate of Dubai by sex is balanced, with 49.5% of the population and 50.5% of the population, the male / female ratio being 89 men per 100 women .

High male ratio
With regard to the total population of the emirate, the ratio of men to women has increased considerably due to the recruitment of expatriate workers, who constitute a large proportion of construction workers, mainly men and a significant proportion of single persons. while others do not take their family members.

Accurate tracking of the age and population structure of the Dubai emirate population is also important for its impact on the decision-making process and the development of plans, programs and policies in the various Emirate development areas, whether it is health or education, as well as infrastructure.

With regard to the total population of the emirate, statistics have shown that the percentage of men and women in the emirate and the proportion of sex to 233 men per 100 women, the number of men 2 million and 195 000 and 480 men, while the number of women 940,000 and 920 women, the highest percentage of unaccompanied male expatriates from their families.

The demographic pyramid of the emirate of Dubai indicates that the age group population of 20 to 44 years old is concentrated at a total rate of 66.45%, which means that about two-thirds of the population of the emirate belong to this age group. The total age group (25-29 years) was 521,747 persons, or 16.63% of the total population, the 35-39 age group ranked third, with a population of 419,642, representing 13 , 38% of the total population.

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