& # 39; Gates Charity & # 39; welcomes Emirates' important role in global efforts to eradicate polio


From / Nour Soliman ..

Abu Dhabi, October 23 (WAM) – The Gates Foundation praised the important role
And the great contribution of the UAE to global efforts to eradicate polio
Children thanks to their concrete support for campaigns against the disease in Pakistan.

James Wenger, director of the polio eradication program,
Gates Foundation – In an interview with the Emirates news agency "WAM"
– His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Commander
Armed forces as one of the world's most prominent leaders who have shown
A strong commitment to support global efforts to eradicate polio.

He added that the UAE had also supported efforts to eradicate the disease
Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan
The United Arab Emirates are studying the establishment of a research institute in Abu Dhabi
Data translation and polio research into effective policies is complete
Applied throughout the region.

"We look forward to leveraging its capabilities and capabilities
Abu Dhabi to accelerate its efforts to address many of the challenges associated with
The eradication of poliomyelitis. "

The eradication of poliomyelitis would contribute to the improvement
The lives of most children in countries affected by this disease
There are still huge problems in areas where the disease is spreading
Including armed conflict, insecurity, population displacements and difficulties of access
For remote villages, this makes it difficult for the teams to work on the distribution and administration of doses
Vaccination for children.

Wenger, however, was optimistic about the complete eradication of polio
The children of the world say that the geographical areas are shrinking
The disease and the marked increase in the immune level clearly show that the campaigns
Vaccination continues and the continued commitment of donors and managers will be
Has an effective effect in the elimination of the disease.

A question on future cooperation projects between international organizations, such as
Gates Foundation, and donor countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Wenger responded that many
Among world leaders, led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the Crown Prince
The Abu Dhabi era and the supreme commander of the armed forces, showed their commitment
Strong enough to support global efforts
1 million USD to support the Global Initiative for Disease Eradication

Wenger called on leaders of affected countries to demonstrate their willingness to cooperate fully
To fight and eradicate the disease, while calling on States and donors to continue
Program support, noting in this regard the successful partnership between the owner
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the Gates Foundation
Eradicate polio worldwide.

According to estimates of the World Health Organization and UNICEF
Polio vaccination successfully covered 85% of targeted areas
Leaving 19.9 million children vulnerable to the disease
Can be prevented by vaccines.

Wenger said that along with its continued support for polio eradication efforts
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Commander
Supreme Council of Armed Forces generously supports global disease control programs
Like the Guinea worm eradication program.

In this context, the UAE has provided generous support in 2017
For the UAE project programs to assist Pakistan, which has succeeded in
Vaccinated more than 13 million children that year, increasing total doses
Provided to children under five at 96 million doses in 66 contiguous zones
This reduces the risk of infantile paralysis by 98%.

He added that the UAE would hold the mid-term review meeting of the alliance
Vaccines and immunization around the world in December will be an opportunity to evaluate performance
Alliance during the 2016-2020 strategic period and to celebrate achievements
In addition to attracting new partners, especially from the Middle East.

And how polio poses a danger to the wounded, said Wenger
A child with poliomyelitis soon suffers from stiffness and weakness
Muscles of his body and becomes invalid .. Indicating that the worst cases of polio are
That affects the muscles that help the child breathe, resulting in death otherwise
Obtain the appropriate medical care.

Polio is a virus that enters the mouth and stabilizes
In the intestines .. stressing that the disease was prevalent in all countries of the world
Cases in 125 countries in 1988 reached 350,000 cases
In total, only 20 cases worldwide have been diagnosed in two countries: Afghanistan
And Pakistan.

He stated that this reflected the remarkable development of the efforts
Elimination of disease, but lack of statistics in some remote areas
In the world and that the total elimination of the disease requires the delivery of vaccines to all children
In these areas.

Wenger discussed WFP's complementary strategies to support
Immunization campaigns such as door-to-door vaccination campaigns and programs
Awareness raising and celebration of national immunization day and awareness programs
Displaced persons.

He added that the program cooperates with various civil society organizations in
And has strong partnerships with religious scholars and women's organizations
Directs training programs for people active in community service.

He said the oral vaccine was one of the most effective methods
Prevent the transmission of the virus from one person to the other. Reveal that the use of this
The type of vaccine helped eradicate 99% of polio cases
In the world.

At the end of the meeting, Wenger stressed the importance of focusing on overcoming obstacles
These face eradication efforts rather than focusing on the last day
Eradicate the disease by justifying that there is much to be done to achieve it
The goal .. Express optimism for success in eliminating the disease in its entirety.

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