& # 39; Shorouq & # 39; participates in the World Travel Market in London – Best Dubai


Sharjah Authority for Investment and Development
/ Sunrise / latest developments and options in ten of its flagship projects
Tourism and Hospitality sector during its participation in the World Travel Market 018,
Who opens tomorrow (Monday) at the "Excel" exhibition center in the British capital
London and will continue until 7 November, the date on which the Commission's participation in
The session will be held at the Sharjah Pavilion, organized by the Development Authority.
Trade and tourism in Sharjah ".

SHARKOQ intends to offer a variety of tourism options to a number of
Destinations like Park Gardens are one of the last family entertainment destinations
And the project "Malihah for ecotourism and archeology" is one of the highlights
Ecotourism destinations in the UAE.

It also reveals the latest developments in luxury hotel projects such as heritage.
"Al-Rafaf Inn" as part of the project "Kalba Ecotourism" and "Al-Badair Oasis"
The most prominent tourist deserts of the country and "Al-Faiya Inn" project "Malihah
For ecotourism and archeology ".

Shurooq will highlight the five-star House Hotel project

The World Travel Market offers international visitors an opportunity
Direct access to the latest projects and premium services
/ Sunrise / from modern facilities and festivals and events organized by
A range of tourist destinations such as "Waterfront" and "Island of Light"
Al Qusais and his pioneering experience in Sharjah Tourism Tour.

"Said Ahmed Obaid Al-Qassir, Director of Operations, Sharjah Authority
For investment and development / Shorouk / embodies our participation in World Travel Market
We are committed to supporting Sharjah Vision
Attract 10 million tourists by 2021.

According to statistics published by the Commerce and Tourism Development Authority
Sharjah The total business turnover of the hotel sector in the emirate during the first half
AED 372 million last year, an increase of 7.8% over the period
Similar to the previous year through successful cooperation with government agencies
And efforts to attract tourists as part of the social development plan
And the general economic development of the emirate, which seeks to attract investment of value 830
Millions in the hospitality sector by 2019.


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