4 new figures for the Emirates Swimming Championship Portugal


The participation of the youth team in the Portuguese Open confirmed the success of the team under the technical direction of the Slovak coach Matik Koshar, after that. Ahmed Hashemi and Khamis Al Hosani have succeeded in making new figures of the state. Jumah Al Balushi, vice president of the Swimming Federation, said the team managed to achieve good results during the tournament and showed the level of excellence of the swimmers, pointing out in a statement that four new numbers were obtained thanks to the close contact of the duck.

Juma Al Balushi added: "The swimmer Ahmed Al Hashimi has managed to reach two new state figures in the 100m and 50m freestyle races in 31:32 seconds and 1: 9 minutes, in addition from Khamis Al Hosani for a new number In the 200-meter backstroke, the new state number in Relay Relay 4 in the 100-meter freestyle under 16, 17 years in time 3:46 minutes, 10 seconds from previous picture 3:56 minutes.

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