$ 5.14 billion profit on Facebook in 3 months


Facebook earns $ 5.14 billion in three months

Third-quarter earnings were better than expected, but its results were lower than estimates for the number of active users per month and the turnover, the slowest pace of growth for nearly six years, while the social network is trying to recover from scandals related to privacy and content.

The company's quarterly profit was $ 5.14 billion, or $ 1.76 per share, an increase of 9% over the previous year, compared to the median forecast of USD 1.48 per share.

Facebook's revenues have been in line with expectations, taking into account what the company calls unfavorable exchange rates. Billions of dollars.

The number of active users of Facebook's monthly and daily active applications grew by 10% in one year, to establish at 2.27 billion and 9% to 1.49 billion, respectively, and was estimated to 2.29 billion and 1.508 billion according to average estimates of Reventiv data.
Total expenses in the third quarter reached $ 7.95 billion, up 53% year-on-year.

In July, Facebook's founder and president, Mark Zuckerberg, lost nearly $ 16 billion of his fortune due to the collapse of the company's stockpile.

David Weiner, the company's CFO at the time, said three factors had resulted in a drop in Facebook's revenue growth rate: first, the appreciation of the dollar against other currencies, this which has the effect of reducing income from outside the United States. Lower profitability and, thirdly, the increased interest of senior management in privacy and insurance, which Zuckerberg has already warned about its impact on the company's profitability.

"Giving Facebook the freedom not to be subject to data collection applications, in line with new European privacy laws, could result in lower advertising revenue," said Weiner. "The company is likely to have operating margins below their level for more than two years," he said.

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