53% of Qatar's shares fell


53% of Qatar's shares completed last week's price cut compared to last Thursday's prices, that is 23 companies out of 43 companies yesterday, while the shares of 17 other companies stabilized their shares. In view of the totals, the value of shares traded increased by 8% to 191 million riyals against 176 million riyals last Thursday. Exchanged from 33% to 8.6 million shares, against 6.4 million shares for the day Previously, the number of trades executed had dropped by 25% to 2,690 compared to 3,598. [19659002] The general index of the stock market rose 0.23% to 22.50 points, to 9630.39 points against 9607.89 last Thursday, the index has risen 13% since the beginning of the Year

. The index climbed 9 sectors, the largest of which was the real estate index, up 2.81%, or 45.92 points to 1678.86 points. Percentage, to 1982 points. The insurance index recorded the third largest increase, up 0.75%, or 22.95 points, to 3,072 points, the index of all shares rose by 0.50% to 2 782. The index gained 0.45% to 3129 points.

The total return index was the sixth largest increase, rising 0.23% to 16.7 thousand points, while the service index recorded the largest loss, 0.62% , at 6296 points.

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