5741 offers and employment contract for citizens in 100 days


The Department of Human Resources and Emiratisation held a ceremony to honor the Department's partners in achieving the objectives of the challenge of accelerating qualitative regulation in targeted economic sectors, with 5741 offers and employment contracts for citizens in those 100 days. Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansoori, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratization, Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli.

The ceremony held in Dubai yesterday was attended by the Undersecretary of Human Resources and Emiratization for Human Resources, Saif Ahmed Al Suwaidi, Finance and Commodities, Dr. Obaid Al and the Director TECOM Group Executive, Malik Al Malik, and a number of officials from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization, as well as representatives of companies operating in the four target economic sectors.

Al Mansouri confirmed the joint action of qualitative relocation accelerators on all elements.

He explained that the emiratization committee was created in the civil aviation sector on the basis of the study carried out by the commission in 2011 to be concerned about the formulation of 39, a national vision and strategy. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization contributed to the development of the emiratization plan of one of the most important sectors of the country and the fastest growing ever recorded.

We look forward to implementing the next steps.

Hamili said that the support of the government 's acceleration team exceeded the objectives of speeding up the qualitative settlement in the targeted sectors of about 47%, l' [[[[[[[[[objectivebeingtoemploy4000citizensbut5741offersweremadeandheldWorkforthepeople"Wewouldnothavesucceededifwewerenotallabletoassumeourresponsibilitiesandourconcertedeffortsandourcommitmenttorespectourmanagement'svisionandvisionforthesettlementrecordasreflectedinVision2021"

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