8 months after launch .. Inbox by Gmail app connects to your iPhone


Arab News – 8 months after its launch .. Inbox by Gmail app for iPhone phone x, At first you have to pay attention to the great care of our visitors, where the Arab citizen is looking in the first place and the last to know the truth , and it is imperative that we seek "After 8 months of launch, Inbox by Gmail arrives on iPhone X", which has become the main goal to respect the spirit of the Arab continent, which seeks to know the credibility of the information. What we are exploring, and for our part and our concern to convey the truth to the Arab continent, we present the most important news Today, 8 months after the launch, Inbox by Gmail arrives on your iPhone. "

(Arabic News _ Your way of knowing the truth), the news was transmitted on Sunday, July 8, 2018 at 17:16 Google launched a new update of Inbox by Gmail on the iPhone X more than eight months after the discovery of the outstanding device of Apple, With the support of the iPhone X and in the update of 144 MB in App Store Google predicted that " Inbox World

Essentially, the update removes the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen for match the screen iPhone X with the aspect ratio 19.5: 9.

Since November 2017, Inbox by Gmail 13 different updates, however, no d & rsquo; Among them support for the iPhone X according to Google release notes, no new features included get in the update. ] Google also updated Gmail for devices running iOS and supported priority notifications for important messages.

8 months after the launch … Inbox by Gmail reached We are still seeking to clarify and discover the truth and nothing is wrong. other, and do not confuse your opinions in the news mentioned above with comments, because your opinions are always important in first and last place, "he said.After 8 months of launch .. Inbox by Gmail access to the phone for iPhone x ", and do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site, on the Arabs News site, on our Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus pages. Economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty news And the world of Eve, as well as the various and entertaining news, to reach you immediately after the first occurrence, 8 months after its launch Inbox by Gmail connects to your iPhone

Arab News – 8 months after launch .. Inbox by Gmail x – 8 months after launch .. Inbox by Gmail application arrives for iPhone iPhone

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