Correct your health information .. 5 beliefs that need modifications


There are many important ideas for health among us, which are general beliefs inherited by generations and are almost universally accepted, but some studies have been modified.

In this context, BrightSide proposes seven beliefs that are not necessarily true, (19659002) 1 – Sleeping eight hours a day
We all hope to sleep very deeply and long, but the researches of the day American Academy of Sleep Medicine indicate that the person needs only 7 hours of sleep. Its activity during the day, and this period in fact is enough to fully recover the body and regain strength during the night.

2 – Eat and Breakfast
Breakfast depends on the needs of people according to their body. The food is only useful when you really want to eat. For this reason, if you are someone who can not eat in the morning, do not torture yourself. You can only drink a glass of water

3. Jogging in the morning
Jogging is as useful in the morning as in the evening. So, if you do not have the time or the intention to run early in the morning, do not do it. You must let your body wake up properly before running in the morning.
It is best to have breakfast and wait at least 40 minutes before doing any physical exercise, or you may suffer from headaches or irregular heartbeat.

4. Do not eat sweets
Useful for the human body because it contains glucose, a key element of the brain. For this reason, donuts should not be canceled from our diet. But we can reduce the amount of sugar we eat. For example, you can eat yogurt, hot drinks without sugar or dried fruits rather than candies.

5. Long Training
"If you do not feel pain the next morning, you have not trained properly." In fact, muscle pain occurs after exercise, when the pressure on your body is very high.
It can be caused by a muscle injury. In this case, it is better to stop exercising until recovery is complete.

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