DUBAI EMIRATES – The CEO of Ubisoft thinks that …


  The CEO of Ubisoft think the broadcast will be the future of games "title =" The CEO of Ubisoft think the broadcast will be the future of games "/> [19659002] For years we have been hearing about video game broadcasting service companies.This is usually the removal of material restrictions, since most of the computing and processing is remote, which means that players will enjoy the game as it should. </p>
<p>  A good example is the Valve Steam Link app for users to stream games from their computers to their smartphones, which are C & # 39; is a future in which the CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, believes that gaming services can be the future of the video game industry. </p>
<p>  According to Yves Guillemot , "What we dream about is that technology will allow us to broadcast our games on all TVs, smartphones and smartphones. And we can give all our brands access to 2.5 billion players in five years and maybe five billion in ten years. So we are very excited about this new opportunity and the other is the possibility of using the large size of the servers to create games that we had never imagined before. "</p>
<p>  Ubisoft is not the only company to think about it." Not long ago, Capcom announced that Resident Evil 7 would run on Nintendo Switch via webcasts, and there have recently been rumors that Google was planning to launch its own broadcast service. </p>
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