News: Causes and treatment of itchy feet


News: Causes and treatment of itchy feet, we are always eager to provide distinctive information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website News News website, a website of 39; information was created in 2016 to provide complete news content to introduce you to the news Many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, causes and treatment of itchy feet The itching is a recurring problem for many people and they do not know what that causes itching and do not know how to get rid of itching. This annoying itch especially as this itch is accompanied by other symptoms of pain and discomfort, so we offer you the causes and treatment of itchy feet.

Itching Feet
There are many reasons for uncomfortable and uncomfortable itching of the feet because they are often caused by skin lesions or allergies or other reasons that we will explain.

The person feels that she needs to scratch or rub her feet from one period to the other and several times, and this itch is easy to manage during the day because the brain is active and can make the decision not to scratch their feet. From the feeling of itching and can lead to the occurrence of swelling in the feet.
Symptoms associated with itching
Some unpleasant symptoms include:
1 – redness
2 – swelling
3 – the appearance of some white spots in the feet

5. The problem of drought.
6. The propagation of seeds.

Causes of itchy feet
There are many reasons behind itchy feet:
1 – the incidence of certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer, or liver or kidney disease caused by itchy feet.
3. Pregnancy is a cause of itching in the feet.
4. A defect in the red blood cells can cause itching.
5. Product due to glandular diseases
6. Scabies is a skin condition that causes itching and redness.
7. Other skin diseases such as psoriasis, etc.
8. Not drinking enough
9. Bite stings are some of the main causes of itching.
10 – foot injury of an athlete, a type of infection caused by fungal infection, one of the causes of itching. Rashes and skin peeling.
11. Use of certain skin irritants, such as certain medications or medical ointments.

Treatment of itchy feet
There are some household methods that help relieve itching such as:
1 – to keep feet clean at all times.
2. Dry feet well after washing
3. Wear clean socks and wear clean shoes.
4. Wear socks at night while sleeping.
5. Constant attention to clean feet, do not walk barefoot and do not walk barefoot.
6. Follow the doctor's instructions at all times.
7. Wear high quality medical shoes.
8. Use Recipes Like baking soda, oatmeal, salt, white vinegar or peppermint oil, all these recipes are put in the water and the feet are soaked for a while, which greatly reduces the problem of itching.

But go to the doctor if the itching does not go away and other symptoms such as:
1 – inability to sleep
2 – spread itching to the rest of the body and a feeling of pain. ;discomfort.
The cause of frequent itching in the feet.
4 – When some other symptoms such as redness of the skin or fever, or inactivity or weight loss.

When any of the above symptoms occur, consult your doctor so that you can identify the cause of itchy feet and determine the appropriate treatment.

News: Causes and treatment of itchy feet, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan Follow us, hoping to be informed of the news with transparency and credibility, causes and treatment of itching, do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site

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