"Social Services" in Sharjah is happy to register 20 improve the reality of their homes


The Sharjah Department of Social Services has completed the "Better Homes Improvement" initiative in Sharjah to help families of social security beneficiaries
The initiative, launched almost two months ago , aims to provide a decent standard of living, to create a balance between low-income families, to improve the standard of living and to strengthen community bonds and to create Al-Za 'abi, director of the Department of Health. social assistance, explained that the initiative launched by the Department aimed in its first edition the improvement of 20 houses of the emirate of Sharjah, completed during the last Eid al-Fitr and given to families .
The number of improved houses is 4 in the city of Sharjah and 2 in each branch of Khir Fakkan, Dibba Al Hasn, Al Hamriya, Al-Madi duck, Al-Dhaid, Malihah, Kalba and the total number of 20 houses in the emirate of Sharjah.
ZA 'abi said that the initiative was in the stages of preparation, registration and identification of cases in need. The Housing Improvement and Rehabilitation Service has provided beneficiaries of disadvantaged families, in cooperation with civil society organizations, with the improvement of the living rooms to accommodate the family reunion system and the rooms at eating have been modernized according to family standards. As well as the kitchen and its accessories, as well as the layout of the rooms to be arranged with the elderly and the children.

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