Google allows developers to read messages from Gmail users


In a powerful electronic scandal, Google has allowed hundreds of third-party app developers to check the Gmail inbox for millions of users

. Gmail inboxes provide information to personalize ads, stating that they want users to remain confident that Google will maintain the confidentiality of their data.

The companies involved in Return Path and Edison Software declare that the practice is covered by their contracts of use. And they use b

eDataSource says it used to allow employees to read certain emails, but recently ended the practice to better protect users' privacy.

For its part, Google stated that it provided this functionality. "Google employees only read e-mail in very specific cases where we ask the user's approval or when we need a security check, such as an abuse investigation. or misuse ". Businesses Entire University Email software scans millions of messages a day that can be sold to merchants and other businesses, including email addresses of recipients, while names and email addresses replace numbers. of code by demographic information such as the opening time of the message indicates the best times to send promotions.As for the contents of the messages, it analyzes the names, numbers and addresses and adds to the basics data, such as applications that help users organize contacts.
