Apple's music service surpasses Sputivay in America


The Apple Music Service surpasses Sputivay in America.First of all, the news above is not news that we have written but come from a source of information. information that has won the trust of the Arab continent in the Arab world. In our site, in full transparency and without any modification aimed at diverting the attention of the Arab citizen from knowledge of the truth or from an amendment aimed at transforming the attitudes of the Arab citizen into certain policies, we start with the main news: "Apple's music service outperforms Spotify in America".

Arab News – [date] lj FY h: i A [/dateleserviced'AppleaatteintAppleMusicaétéungrandsuccèscarilestdevenuleservicedemusiquelepluspopulaireauxÉtats-Unisavecunplusgrandnombred'abonnéspayantmensuellementcequienfaitleserviceSpotPaylepluspopulaireaumondeselonunnouveaurapportDigitalMusicNouvellesquiasoulignéquemalgréladominationdeSputivaydansledomainedeladiffusiondemusiquecettedominationestmaintenantenbaisseauxÉtats-Unisaumoins

Sirius XM has 33 million & # 39; subscribers but Sputevay and Apple Music account About 20 million subscribers They pay contributions to the United States According to figures, which were publicly disclosed in February of this year. Although defeat in the United States is not the end of the year. This means that Sputivay has to work hard to stay competitive with Apple Music.

The Apple Music Service has been ideally positioned to become a force in the world of music broadcasting, but its growth has exceeded expectations, reaching 20 million subscribers in less than three years. 2006, the United States entered 2011, a longer period to reach the same rank. [SpartivayapeurdedevenirunesecondeversionduservicePandoraquiselonlesstatistiquesde2016compteenviron81millionsd'abonnésactifset43millionsd'abonnéspayantsetcettecroissancemassivedesabonnésmetenévidencelapuissancedel'écosystèmed'AppleLacroissanceduservicesembleêtreinachevéeetleWallStreetJournalplustôtcetteannéeaindiquéqueleservicedemusiqued'Appleaaugmentéde5pourcentparmoiscontreunecroissancede2pourcentpourSputivayLaprochainegrandebatailleentreleserviceAppleMusicd'AppleetSpotifyconcerneladominationdumondeApplecompteactuellement45millionsd'abonnementsmensuelsdanslemondeplus5à10millionsd'utilisateursd'essaisgratuitsAppleproposeunessaigratuitdetroismoisavec70millionsd'abonnéssurabonnementmensuel [19659003] A recent report from Music Business Worldwide provided an in-depth look at the first statistics of the two services, with Canadian rapper Drake Drake releasing his new Scorpion album, Spotivay doing 132.4 millions of transmissions during the first week. Worldwide, while the Apple service has reached 170 Figures show that the Apple service is more common in the United States compared to Sputivay.

Sputivay said earlier this year that he had 159 million active users, after calculating users who did not pay for the service but were investigating income through advertising, while Apple does not surpass a free copy of Apple's service, making the comparison between these services a challenge, and subscribers paying the most important types of subscribers, but the strategy of SpotPay depends to convert subscribers into free subscribers.

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Arab News – Apple's Music Service Surpasses Sputivay in America – Apple's Music Service Outperforms On "Spotify" in America

Source: Dawn

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