Chelsea sets the target price for Real Madrid and Paris St Germain


Chelsea set the team's star prize at $ 150 million …

Chelsea appears to have begun accepting the departure of midfielder and star Nigolo Canti at Stamford Bridge during the current summer transfer.

Paris Saint-Germain uses his young star to join his biggest goal of the summer

The midfielder was linked to Real Madrid as the first goal of the midfield this summer, on demand of coach Julien Lobetigi

Face to Uruguay at the World Cup

Press Releases Prita Says that the direction of the English club of London has set the price that could make him accept the departure of the French international player from the club in the coming period, which stood at 133 million pounds "150 million euros."

One of the best players in the world, and was one of the main reasons for the crowns of Leicester City and Chelsea Premier League season 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively.

On the other hand, A big player for Paris St Germain, who places him at the top of the list of players needed to strengthen the team (19659007) The player 27 years old has been shown very impressive for France at the current World Cup in Russia and has qualified for the semi-finals against Belgium on Tuesday.

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