Nobel standards must be reconsidered


Cairo: "Gulf"

The prize of Egyptian intellectuals and writers, the move of Swedish intellectuals and writers, to launch a new parallel award to the "Nobel Literature", highlighting that the launch of such a price, the largest and most important in the world, and the revision of the standards of the branches of literature and peace, to become more equitable and disciplined, after the last years of obvious bias.
Many of them go to the announcement of the so-called "New Academy" Literatures, even if the price of the mother in the world is affected, would add a comparative advantage A new era for writers and writers internationally, provided the new attribution of diseases that hit the Nobel in recent decades and prevented the receipt of many writers in many parts of the world the price, despite their rights, and to go to others for political considerations. The novelist Ibrahim Abdel Meguid, the emergence of a new international award, is a welcome addition to enrich literary life in the world, but this should in no way undermine the great moral worth of the Nobel as the most original and the most important price in the world. That the new price in h
The Egyptian novelist Mahmoud al-Wardani, winner of the Sawiris Cultural Prize, sees the existence of the book in a way that reflects its importance in light of his first criticism of the prize Nobel of literature. From the novel in 2013, it is premature to talk about the usefulness of the new award, as it has not yet justified acceptance in cultural and literary circles, except to appear as an alternative to the original reward blocked this year on the background of unethical behavior. To be discussed in its own context And does not detract from the value of a Nobel Prize-winning Nobel Prize, received by well-known writers, including the great novelist Naguib Mahfouz, and sees Roudani as the emergence of A new literature award would add a lot to the literary world, but that should not be derogatory. The original Nobel Prize, which has a long history, has included a list of good writers for more than seven decades.
Dr. Hussein Hamouda, literary critic, considers the Academy Award as a positive idea regardless of its complex dimensions. A new international, the size of a Nobel, needs a great effort and hard work For years, it was necessary to establish the price and to respect it. in the international community, but this remains in the circumstances of its inauguration and its circumstances, it represents only a protest from circles of intellectuals who have expressed their opposition to the recent Nobel scandal.
The novelist Dr. Ammar Ali Hassan considers the recent statement of Swedish intellectuals as a cry of protest against the announcement by the Nobel Board of Directors that the award will be postponed to one or two years in the literature section on scandal background. The latest morality, which is what There are fears of eminent Swedish intellectuals and writers, of the possibility of the absence of the price forever, and they wanted to tell the board of trustees. Nobel administration: Do not stop and correct the price of the young man in the errors of the historical priesthood.
The statement of Swedish intellectuals – at the same time, Ammar – reflects the possibility of new Nobel prizes, not only in Sweden, but in many other countries. Countries of the world, which requires the Nobel Board of Directors to answer And reassure the world that the price of the 20th century will not stop long and that it will repair its mistakes with more disciplined rules and impartial.

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