News: The causes of nerve damage in the ear, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site, an information site was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content to introduce you to the news on the Arab and international arena Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the l & # 39; political arena, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the website site News, the causes of nerve damage in the ear, to obtain your satisfaction Dear visitors, the causes of nerve damage in the ear.
Monday, July 9, 2018 07:07 Akhbari News vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as the eighth cranial nerve, is the nerve with two nerve sensory branches. The vestibular branch of the nerve helps to control the balance, allowing the individual to check his spatial position and maintain his upright position. The cochlea arm helps the brain to detect sound by vibrations with special nerve endings called hair cells. When this nerve is damaged, the ability of the individual to hear or maintain balance can be broken. A number of factors can damage the cochlear vestibular nerve.
Causes of nerve damage in the ear
According to a study published in the journal "Audiology & Neuro-Ontology", hearing loss is a well-known result of an injury to the head. A head injury caused by a skull fracture can damage the cochlear vestibular nerve. This nerve comes out of the brain through the temporal bone, passing through an opening called the internal auditory nerve before dividing into two branches. Damage to the temporal bone can damage the vestibular cochlear nerve, and hearing and balance can also negatively affect.
The ear infection can damage the sensory nerve of the cochlear vestibular nerve, which is called the hair cells. The middle ear infection, called otitis media, is the most common form of infection. The inflammation of the vestibular nerve is an inflammation that ignites the vestibular portion of the cranial nerve VIII, leading to disturbances of balance. Studies have shown that mumps, measles and chickenpox can contribute to damaging the ear.
Excessive noise
It is known that exposure to loud noise, either suddenly or over time, can lead to hearing loss. Prolonged excessive noise can eliminate nerve endings in the inner ear, causing permanent damage, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Damage to nerve endings can lead to loss of hearing or tinnitus, a condition commonly referred to as a buzzing in the ears.
Tumors of the brain or skull may damage the auditory or vestibular branches of the cochlear vestibular nerve. The tumor of the auditory nerve is a benign growth that is believed to be caused by hereditary factors. This tumor may also appear in the vestibular part of the nerve and may be called an endothelial tumor. Hearing loss, balance disorders and tinnitus are common symptoms of auditory nerve tumors. They are treated by surgery or radiotherapy, or in cases where the condition is always asymptomatic, sometimes left alone and observed by MRI for any increase in growth.
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