Latest News – Secrets of the Week: UAE Remove Drugs Containing "Valartan" and Say It's Contaminated


Arab Secrets / Yemen

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 12:10

The UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection has announced the preventive withdrawal of certain products containing the active ingredient Valsartan manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Company because of the contamination of the article. The ministry said that the ministerial decision to withdraw some products containing valassartan was published on the basis of the report of the EMA confirming the contamination of the active ingredient Valsartan manufactured at the Zhejiang Huahai pharmaceutical factory in China by carcinogens N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). "Circular addressed to medical district directors, directors of public and private hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, assistant pharmacists, directors of public and private pharmacies, Ministerial Decision No. (366) for the year 2010 concerning the announcement of the withdrawal, suspension, suspension or prevention of the circulation of pharmaceutical and medical products and for reasons of public interest. "
The circular included a list of names Note that the relevant pharmaceutical products contained in the registered drug administration, Ministry of Health and Prevention Society and the request of the agent authorized to withdraw the products listed for the preparation of the sectors public and private health and quarantine on quantities in warehouses. All health professionals should not describe and dispense with the above mentioned products, if any, and use the registered alternatives. Patients should not stop using the drug unless they consult a medical specialist to dispense other alternatives registered with the Ministry.
The Department confirmed that all drugs containing Valsartan are intact and unaffected. He pointed to the receipt of an official message from Novartis, which developed the drug, stating that its products containing Valsartan, specifically Diovan, Co-Diovan Entresto, Exforge, were not affected by the process of withdrawal, as they do not use the active ingredient of an external supplier. A different source of the active ingredient is manufactured at Novartis in Ireland and Switzerland. Diovan is used to treat high blood pressure, which in turn causes cardiovascular disease, and that all existing diovan therapies are in good health in the state and around the world.

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News: The secrets of the week: The UAE withdraw drugs containing "Valsartan" and say that they are polluted. The newspaper Esr Al-Wassab declines all responsibility for the content of this news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher.

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