Do not criticize these stars if they wear swimsuits.


The summer holidays have begun, and with it begin the phenomena of public participation. The latest images of summer clothes, especially the "swimwear" through the pages of networking sites … If you are amateur, give the opinion of the seahorse In swimming clothes you must think a thousand times before writing your comment on the pictures of these stars .. Fredodhn very hard and starts to remove the language and even reach the level of slander and ridicule.

Wearing swimsuits for swimsuits is not a new phenomenon, but the update involves sharing photos with the public. Remarkably, the comments seem very different. Some stars are praised for their beauty, but others are attacked, especially if she is famous among her listeners, like the singer Dalia Mustafa, who has moved away from her private life but has been reprimanded with her first picture of Mayawah via Instagram.

Dalia did not miss the first attack, and decided to put red lines between her and her audience while referring to her own life, she harshly responded to her critics by publishing an image of her Everyone's language emphasizes that the negative comments they like are what they publish not to follow, pointing out that no one has the right to be held accountable except God.

Nelly Karim is one of the most famous stars of Egyptian art, trying to satisfy her audience in every way possible, but after posting a photo of her in swimsuit, she began to criticize her disciple Muhammad Muwafi. From a respectable person, not a whole life has appeared naked and does not give up speech and the beast and oven is not available in his makeup so shocked that you think it.

The strangest thing is that Nelly Karim suffered a harder campaign when she succumbed to angry opinion and the photo was removed. Some accused her of giving more respect to critics that she deserved, so she decided to borrow the cruelty of some of her playwrights. The Facebook account to prevent non-friends from viewing photos and their own publications, then completed the task, but through the account on Twitter Twitter, after the launch of a cynical scapegoat who criticized, saying: " I understood that all people Almmayah on the sea Hihrooh! After the message reached everyone, criticism was stopped immediately.

Nelly Karim was ridiculed and refused to deliver verbal battles with his supporters, but Ghada Abdel Razek has bad looks and bad reactions to his followers, especially with regard to his personal clothes Ghada has several punitive measures beginning with suspension, blocking and exclusion. From images of her previous summer vacation, she reacts by revealing an image of her face by telling everyone, "It's my answer to anyone who criticizes me and dislikes my actions!"

Madeline Tabar fights with his supporters. They refuse to appear in May And some of them hinted that her body was no longer fit to wear swimwear.Freline defended her freedom and femininity directly and harshly, but deserved a comment through her account on Twitter Twitter, in which she said: "For the first time" I am a free woman, my reputation in Egypt and in the Arab world, I am respectful and educated before talent, my body is pure and beautiful and I love it, and you break down.

Egyptian star Ghada Adel, one of the pioneers of the "clean cinema" scene and famous for not accepting erotic roles and kisses shocked the audience when several photos were exchanged Almayawah on the sidelines of the participation in the first session of the El Gouna Film Festival, He quickly confirmed his rejection of the state of public interest in the stars. [19659002] Ghada added in a e letter to all those who criticized it: "The singer is an ordinary human being who has the right to wear swimsuits and to remove the sea and breathe in the air."

She concluded by saying: "I was very surprised by the attack on artists because she wears clothes in which freedom, the artist is a human being has the right to do what he wants and should not be held responsible.

The actress Mona Fadali, who has a bold image, does not hesitate to challenge his audience to separate the work of the singer from his private life, and that the followers focus only on the first and not do not look for the secrets of his favorite star. After the very offensive comments about her right to comment on her image to Mayawah, Mena confirmed that the owners of these comments are not from her audience but are supporters of what she describes as the "enemies of success". On the beach or the only one wearing a nude dress. "

The singer Yasmine is constantly in conflict with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, she does not hesitate to defend her right to do what she wants and does not allow him to. adept at putting her abusive comment and going on peacefully … Fear me, but do not be afraid to change me. "

She responded to a parody of her through Twitter Twitter that her actions were n & rsquo; Do not like a speaker: "I do not need you because you can be as you like."

Meanwhile, he pointed out in a related context in a second tweet, speaking: "Every day at night with the thought of myself that we are different and that our creation creates different, so that I do not do not want to be bothered by the limit.

The Egyptian singer Mona Hala lives her private life in the West influenced by her education with her Austrian mother, so she is not affected by the comments that end up insulting her photos in swimsuit, she responds to everyone as a comment on a bikini Marari, India, responded by asking a question to each of the abuses of a spokesperson: "Umal in the sea b? With galaabiya? The natural people walked thus on the sea, then continued to expose the images without stopping. "

Dalia El Beheiry is famous in the artistic milieu of her" Red Swimsuit ", where she was the first Egyptian star of the modern generation to reappear in swimsuits after the Isthmus, but she was criticized during the concert of singer Amr Diab in Marassi. "Dalia Al-Beheiri said that you would attend the concert of Amr Diab with the Mayoak, and you hear the loudest, and she was wearing a piece of cloth under the Pillow, oh no, my brother, I'm a mablabesh, not a bikini to your knowledge The money you paid in the dress .. Oh Ritni I've been ruffled with l & # 39; money actually what has Mayo Mayo.

The singer Ola Ghanem has a very special situation among the stars accused of excitement, especially since she does not seem to be Balmayoh only with her daughters, and that it is a campaign of disparagement of his daughter Camellia, replies a spokesperson: So it does not interfere with that, but that does not mean that .. These are the clothes of the sea and the beach and I will not not to make him wear a jalabiya on the beach. "My Lady

The Modern Newspaper

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