Emirates offers its customers huge offers for more than 30 destinations, reducing ticket prices


While Qatar Airways announced the completion of its Boeing 777 cargo contract for more than $ 1.7 billion, Emirates has announced a special price offer for Abu Dhabi residents to travel to 30 selected destinations in his network. In an attempt to attract passengers to fly through its planes, especially after the near-collapse of its rival Etihad Airways owned by Abu Dhabi.

According to Emirates Airlines, economy class fares from Dubai to Beirut range from AED 1080, Cairo from AED 1415, Casablanca from AED 2365, Seychelles from AED 3045, Kuala Lumpur from 2425, Zagreb from AED 2675 And in Munich from 2885 dirhams.

Business class fares range from AED 5245 in Beirut, AED 7599 in Cairo, MAD 11739 in Casablanca, AED 8368 in Seychelles, AED 8865 in Kuala Lumpur, 12619 in Zagreb and 14839 AED in Munich. ]

This appeal to customers by Emirates Airlines coincides with the announcement by Boeing and Qatar Airways that Qatar Airways has placed an order for the purchase of five 777 freighter aircraft from the US aircraft industry .

The deal, unveiled at the Farnborough Air Show, is worth about $ 1.7 billion at declared prices, since the deal had already been announced as a purchase commitment in April.

All this comes at a time when sources of the company "Etihad Airways" UAE that the company has stopped the operation of five aircraft, "Airbus A330", and offered to its passengers leave without pay, while continuing to review its strategy.

A source told Reuters that Etihad Airways, based in Abu Dhabi, was considering selling or leasing the five suspended cargo planes.

Etihad Airways, owned by the government of Abu Dhabi, was hit by a financial crisis that forced it to dispose of five Boeing 777s and five Airbus A330s, and some pilots granted them time off short-term or long-term. Prolong for more than a year without pay, in an attempt to emerge with the least losses from its financial crisis.

The UAE official carrier 's financial crisis is due to a loss of only 8 billion euros last year, with Italian airlines, Etihad Airways holding 49% of its shares, Second.

Etihad Airways also canceled 3,000 jobs trying to offset its losses by canceling some services, such as canceling the free car service for first-class passengers and business class and other services previously free.

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