Samsung Galaxy S10 should be available in three different sizes – UAE News


Although we were waiting for the announcement of Samsung Galaxy Note 9 over the coming period, we have heard rumors about its upcoming Galaxy S10 flagship …

Although we were waiting for it. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 announcement during the Samsung Galaxy S10 period is expected to come in three different versions in size: 5.8 inches, 6.1 inches, 6.4 inches, and the size of the Galaxy S10.


The Kuo analyst said that two versions of the S10 would come from the S10. With the fingerprint sensor on the screen, the smaller version will be accompanied by a fingerprint sensor, which means that larger versions will have better features and features. to those of the smaller version, and that the S10 will feature five cameras. The Samsung S10 is still far away, Samsung is expected to announce it at the end of next February, but Samsung is expected to announce Galaxy Note 9 at a press conference on August 9th.

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