Liverpool news today on the offer of a record amount for the inclusion of goalkeeper Allison


Champions League champions Liverpool have set a Roma record for Brazilian goalkeeper Alison, according to British media on Wednesday.

Liverpool offered 62 million pounds ($ 80 million) to Roma to join the goalkeeper who took the colors of his country until the quarter-finals of the 2018 Russia World Cup in football, While the Guardian reported that the red team has increased its bid to 66.9 million pounds.

<img alt = "Alesson goalkeeper from Rome on the way to Liverpool" src = " (19659006) Alesson, Roma goalkeeper , en route to Liverpool

Alison defends Alesson en route to Liverpool. (25 years and 31 duels He played 37 league games last season and contributed to the semifinal of the Champions League.

Allison will become the most expensive in history by settling in Liverpool

At the end of the contract, Elson will become the best goalkeeper in the history of the game, beating the record of the year. Italian Gigi Buffon, passed from Parma to Juventus for 53 million euros in 2001, while Ederson is the most expensive of the Premiership after Benfica. 40 million euros in the summer of 2017.

German goaltender Lauris Carrios made two serious mistakes in the Champions League final against Real Madrid (1-3 The 25-year-old goalkeeper was re-infected by Tranmere Rovers last week A second free goal provoked his opponent (3-2).

<img alt = "Double Liverpool Liverpool and Caryos" src = " Binary- Liverpool- Maniola-Carrios. (19659006) Liverpool Maniola and Caryos

The center of Liverpool's main guard was a source of concern for German coach Juergen Klopp Carrius won last season against Belgian Simon Miniola, who played Brazil's five games at the World Cup three times in a row before leaving for Belgium in the quarter-finals.

Elison will become the fourth player to sign for Liverpool next season. (51.5 million pounds), the Brazilian Fabiniu of Monaco (40 million pounds) and Switzerland Sheridan Shakiri of Stoke City (13.5 million pounds).

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