Dinner before 9 am reduces the risk of breast cancer


A recent study suggests that having dinner before 9 pm can reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

According to a study of more than 4,000 people at the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona, ​​an evening meal sitting at least two hours before bedtime reduces the risk of cancer. Experts believe that eating late at night can cause inflammation in the body and alter blood sugar levels, both of which are cancer related.

Researchers found that eating before 9pm reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men Breast cancer in women averages 18 percent, and eating two hours or more before sleeping reduces the cancer risk of 20 percent.

"Many people know that if they eat late and sleep well, their food will not be well digested and they may not get a good night's sleep," said Dr. Manolis. Kughvinas, who led the study. "

We do not need a study to tell us, but this research gives us advice on the ideal time for dinner."

The study also suggests that people working at night are at higher risk for prostate cancer.

The study showed that more than 1,800 people with prostate and breast cancer, out of the 4,000 studied, had a habit of eating late-night dinners just before bedtime. While some 2,000 people were healthy because they ate before 9 pm, the Daily Mail reported. "Unfortunately, this simple study does not add much to the picture because it does not take into account other factors that may contribute to cancer, such as alcohol consumption," he said. Fiona Oswson of the Cancer Research Center in the United Kingdom.

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