Egypt … The average yield on treasury bills has fallen by 6 months and a year the latest information


Data from the Central Bank of Egypt showed that the average yield of treasury bills issued by Egypt for six months and a year further declined at auction

The return of banknotes in 182 days fell to 19.331% against 19.605% The 12-month yield rate of the bonds of the last week reached its highest level since July 2017, at 21.72%. Yields began to fall after the auction last week.

Economists and bankers have said that high returns come in the context of a global sale In emerging markets, Egypt has been one of the most attractive destinations in the world. Last year, the short-term returns having reached 22% due to the sharp interest rate increases introduced by the central bank to curb inflation. 19659006] // $ (& # 39; .Modal & # 39;). On (& # 39; & # 39 ;, function () {
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