News 24 The discovery of prehistoric bones in a cave in Crimea


  Archaeologists Scientists in Crimea study a collection of preserved animal bones dating back half a million years after underground tunnel workers discovered work underground during the construction of a highway.

Scientists study the contents of the cave, which includes rhinoceros and elephant bones and hyenas.

Dimitri Stratsiev of the Animal Museum of the University of Crimea described the site as unique to the vineyard and said that it had no similarity in Russia. At that time, a variety of animals such as Mastod

"If, as we think, we were the hyena, it would be the best preserved and best preserved place.

He added that the bones bore tooth marks, suggesting that predatory animals carried their prey to the cave.

"We saw an almost uninhabited predator where predators were feeding, and there is also hope that we will find human remains there too."

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