Creating a new drop protects millions of patients from blindness


  New drop creation protecting millions of patients from blindness

Tests have shown that gout improves the condition of rats with age-related macular degeneration.

"A revolutionary drop that would please millions of patients with blindness, the most common cause of blindness."

Researchers were able to develop revolutionary drops that could replace injections in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration. "British experiments have already shown the success of droplets in the treatment of rats, as shown by ALBA

Doctors use painful injections to treat macular degeneration, which administers drugs directly to the eye, leaving patients at risk of rupture and infection.

Drops contain substances able to penetrate the cells of the eye to deliver the drug to its target. Laboratory experiments in mice revealed last year that the droplets had the same effect Therapeutic injection, but without pain or danger. On the eyes of rabbits and pigs, a biochemist led by Dr. Felicity of Kogan discovered that eye drops can produce an effective amount of retinal drugs.

Despite the success of these drops, they still need more tests. Before approving clinical trials on humans, amid expectations that they will begin testing humans by next spring, to help millions of patients around the world.