Al Hilal Saudi Club negotiates Real Madrid striker and former Manchester City


Saudi press reports revealed Friday that Al Hilal's leadership has embarked on advanced negotiations with the leadership of Turkish club Besktas, to include Spanish striker Alvaro Negredo.

According to the business newspaper Sami Al Jaber, president of Nadas Crescent, A recommendation of the coach Georgi Jesus has already been communicated to the Turkish club officials for the inclusion of the player.

And Negrido competed last season with Besiktas in 43 matches in 2060 minutes, scoring 15 and making 9, although he is 32 years old. Negrido has played at Real Madrid, Sevilla, Almeria, Manchester City, Valencia, Middlesbrough,

Negredo has 10 goals in 21 caps for his country, Spain, but his last match with El Salvador dates back to March 2014.

In his career with clubs Negredo scored 182 goals and made 65 in 460 games.

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