The fact of Darwish offers .. and the statements of the official spokesperson


A daily paragraph to follow the most important statements and phenomena of the Egyptian balloon.

Ibrahim Ismail, president of the Ismaili Club, commented on the criticism of the board of directors after wasting a large number of stars, pointing out that Mahmoud Metwally remained in the ranks of the Darweesh despite an attractive offer from Pyramids to sell him .

Othman said Friday morning: "Yes, confirmed in advance to leave no player, but this statement was for the last season, and indeed has been at the height of all the players despite the fact that they are not in the game. arrival of several tempting offers "

He adds: "This season is different because our goal is to win a championship, we had to bring a senior technical manager experienced in the African and Arab championships and replace and renew the team."

Colombian striker Diego Calderon, Ibrahim Hassan and Baha Magdy in Zamalek, Mohamed Fathi at Pyramids, next to goalkeeper Mohamed Awad after loaning to the Saudi unit.

– The official spokesman of the Ahli Club Council said that the statement of the board of directors of Ahli was clear at the initiative of Chancellor Turki Al-Sheikh, noting that the Council is not responsible for the explanations given on the declaration.

Al Ahli's official spokesman said in televised statements that the Red Fort Board of Directors had an official spokesperson and that the club's board was not responsible from what is mentioned by someone else than his official spokesman. t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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