Warning … Fraudsters attract men to Watts Ab via sexual messages and expel them


  Beware, fraudsters attract men to Watts Ab by sexual messages and expel them
Warning … Fraudsters attract men to Watts Ab by sexual messages and expel them

With the growing popularity of Watts Ab The fast money, and a new scam recently emerged using the WhatsApp instant messaging application relies on a simple trick to hunt and extort the victim to recover money, and the new thing is directed towards men. The character of a girl is attracted to the victims and then blackmailed by posting these messages.

Sexual messages target people who have an active social life and are very popular on social networking sites such as Facebook Twitter and Instagram The Deceiver will contact via WhatsApp and will engage in personal friendly conversations.

The conversation quickly turns into sending images and sexual messages, most often false, the ghost then asks the victim to share his nude photos to continue the conversation, where the scandal and blackmail begin with intimidate friends, family and means. Social communication if not paid.

WhatsApp invites users to block or not add unknown senders and it is strongly recommended to know who starts the conversation with

Source: Seventh Day [19659009] Nada Abdel Ghaffar ” src=”//www.gravatar.com/avatar/bf0c612223baedd43801802a6efaf398?s=150&d=mm&r=g” class=”avatar avatar-96 photo” height=”96″ width=”96″/>