Project "Recycling: The Refinery" protects 2,172 pieces of wood


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Dubai: Home

The UAE Environmental Working Group joined the celebrations of the World Day for Desertification and Drought on July 17 with the launch of its popular paper recycling project. Refining. "For the third consecutive year, the Group is implementing this project to involve the different sectors of society in recycling practices and to encourage them to take action against desertification.
Ms. Habiba Al Marashi, President of the Group Emirati Environmental Work comments on the dazzling success of the project, a significant increase this year compared to last year: the group received 48,526 kg of paper in 2017 and 127,763 kg of paper in 2018. Impressive growth The program has shown 163% the effectiveness of environmental awareness campaigns in the country and the increasing adoption of responsible and sustainable practices by the UAE community. "
Recycling of recycled paper has resulted in a reduction of 494 tons of CO 2 emissions and supply of 840 megawatts of energy and 403 cubic meters of landfill area and protection of 2 172 pieces of trees.
The theme of the World Day to Combat Desertification was this year under the slogan "Land has real value – invest in it" Focuses on sustainable land management in as a way to renew economies, create jobs and revitalize communities. The celebration called on all producers, consumers and policy makers to make a difference by investing in the future of the Earth. Since the group has been accredited by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the group has cooperated with the Convention in its efforts to promote this valuable message.
The "Recycling" project has been implemented. The project was attended by 157 students, 26 schools and 33 public and private institutions in the seven emirates. The purpose of the project was to raise awareness of the need to preserve the environment by engaging in a constructive activity. The goal was 750 kg of paper for academic and government businesses and 350 kg of paper for families.
The project has been an opportunity for various UAE entities to increase their visibility and contribute to sustainable waste management practices during the summer months. . The project targets paper waste as paper recycling provides sustainability by reducing CO 2 emissions and protecting trees against cuttings, reducing pressure on natural resources and helping to reduce climate change. In one month, participants actively supported global contributions to Goal 15 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which advocate the protection, restoration and promotion of the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, the sustainable management of forests, combating desertification, stopping and reversing land degradation.
The band will pay tribute to the heroes of the project during the honor ceremony to be held at the Grand Millennium Hotel in Dubai on September 15. The president of the group, Mrs. Habiba Al Marashi, will give them certificates of participation and local tree plants to cultivate under their name, under the umbrella of the "For Our Emirates" initiative in December. . A total of 195 trees will be planted as a result of the project, contributing to the group's goal of planting 1000 trees in 2018.
The group salutes the heroes of the environment and invites all sectors of society to carry out recycling practices throughout the year, in the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands and the achievement of the overall sustainable development objectives.

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