New feature of "Wattsab" for users .. Find out – UAE Urgent News


"Wesab" revealed a new feature to counter suspicious links that users receive in messages, nicknamed "Suspicious Link Detection" or detect suspicious links, according to the Indian website gadgetsnow.

"Watsab" revealed a feature (19659003), according to the Indian website GadgetsNow.

The feature should notify users if the received link contains suspicious content, Where the suspicious links feature will detect any dangerous link The unwanted tweets are received in a message, and users are warned before clicking on it feature has been released in the beta beta, which loads WhatsApp Beta 2.18.221.

Users can clearly see a message with a suspicious link With a red tag that contains the phrase "suspicious link", WattsUp also analyzes the link in the message and determines whether it redirects the message. user to a fake or alternative website and parses the received link locally without sending data to its servers.

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