WhatsApp takes additional measures to fight the spread of new counterfeits and false information


  WhatsApp takes additional measures to combat the spread of false news and false information
WhatsApp takes additional measures to combat the spread of false news and false information

To fight the spread of false news and false information, we strive to follow our site, WhatsApp takes additional measures to combat the dissemination of fake news and false information, the economic site is a comprehensive information site on the latest developments in the world. Arab arena. WhatsApp is taking additional measures to combat the spread of new counterfeits and false information, while we are looking for the latest news from all the sites and agencies WhatsApp is taking additional measures to combat the spread of new counterfeits and false information. Additional measures to combat the spread of new counterfeits and false information, so that you can follow all that is new in the world of information.

Monday, July 23, 2018 20:45 Economic Because it 's about a match used by millions and millions of users. The company has recently introduced new features to help users identify routines that have been redirected to them and is now taking additional steps to improve them.

According to WhatsApp, she said: "Today, we are launching a test to limit the redirects that everyone will be doing using WhatsApp In India, where people are sending more photos, more photos, and more. videos than any other country in the world, we will also test a minimum of 5 cats at the same time and we will delete the fast forward button next to the media messages.

Basically, WhatsApp will now go reduce the number of redirections that can be redirected at a time, hoping to reduce the number of unwanted scans and misinformation that users receive.Of course, this will not completely limit the spread of false information, but by limiting the number of packets sent at once, we hope that this will allow other users to warn the sender that they share false information, which will allow them to stop early.

WhatsApp says that it will only test these changes in India right now, so if you are not in India, you will not see them now.

Source. WhatsApp takes additional measures to combat the spread of new counterfeit and false information, do not forget the admiration of the site's social networking pages, to receive the latest political, academic, sports and technical news of the economic site, WhatsApp Additional measures to combat the spread of false news and false information

Source: Electronic

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