I begged for "Mehrez" not to insult us spherically! Shrouk online


Laurie Sani, the German international midfielder from Manchester City, congratulated his new team-mate, "Greens", Riyad Mehran: "Every time we played Leicester City, when Riyad Mehrez was holding the ball, I thought: Mehrez … please avoid the creative shots so you do not insult us! " In reference to the competence of the Algerian international, and to its tendency to play the show.

The German International said in its latest comments published by the newspaper "Mirror": "I am very happy to come to Manchester City.It is a good player and a strong personality." [19659002] But the Citizen Wing added: "A skill does not mean that it has reserved a key place in Manchester City," indicating that the England champions are stellar and talented.

"Competition is an important element, making the player stronger and better than before. [19659002] Laurie Sani last season was a serious contender for Manchester City, scoring 10 goals and 15 assists. [19659005] function (e, t, n, c), o, a, f) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments): o.queue.push (arguments)}, e = .fbq || (e._fbq = o), o.push = o, o.loaded = 0, o.version = "2.0", o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement (n)) .async =! 0, a.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js", (f = t.getElementsByTagName (n) [0] ]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, f) [}(scriptwindow)fbq("init""406066929726292")fbq("track""PageView"); [ad_2]
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