Scientific Breakthrough May End Diabetes Health and Beauty Saraya News Agency


Saraya – American researchers have come up with a small, credit-card sized device that can be implanted under the skin to treat diabetes.

The device contains small tubes that can be injected with insulin-producing cells. The study shows that blood vessels grow in and around the body and help the cells to mature, creating a full-fledged member capable of producing insulin and controlling the rate of glucose.

"The Langerhan Islands" in the pancreas that produces insulin. As a result, the pancreas produces a relatively small amount of hormone.

For years, the only treatments for type 1 diabetes were regular injections of insulin, taken several times a day, or using special pumps.

Sernova Cell Pouch, to treat the cause of the disease rather than symptoms, by growing new cells protected from the immune system attack and insulin.The researchers made the device developed to from a special and safe polymer and does not disintegrate. It also contains small tubes where the cultured cells are placed.

Includes In the second procedure, doctors inject thousands of small cells into small tubes of the device

In the second procedure, doctors inject thousands of small cells into small tubes of the device.

The researchers suggest that this technique can be used in the treatment of other chronic diseases in the future, such as Parkinson's disease, which results from the absence of certain compounds.

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