The discovery of water on Mars puts an end to the controversy of scientists


Researchers first discovered a lake on Mars. The team, led by Roberto Urosi of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna, said that the width of the lake was about 20 kilometers and that she was d & # 39; 39, about 1.5 kilometers under the Antarctic ice.

The team added that scientists have been looking for liquid water for decades. On the surface of the planet near the planet, where water is a prerequisite for the existence of life "as we know it," the Mars Express probe of the European Space Agency Could not read the signs of life on Mars Lake.

Controversy over the existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars, as the Assembly points out The American Science Support Agency, which publishes the journal Science, suggests that the 39, The existence of dry rivers and sediments shows that there was liquid water on Mars billions of years ago, while the weather was warmer and the atmosphere on Mars more Density than it is now.

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