Virgin's "tourist" trip through space is a success


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Virgin Galac tic Virgin Galactic has successfully launched its third flight with a rocket powered spacecraft, which is twice as fast as sound.

During the flight, the vehicle was launched very quickly, higher than the previous one, and penetrated for the first time the layer of mosaic, the three layers of the atmosphere.
The pilots said that they were able to operate the missile for more than the previous experience, April 11th. For the starting phases of the vehicle, and crossing the edge of the space through a camera installed on it.

Pat The company owned by billionaire Richard Branson is closer to his goal: to attract tourists into space.

The company's first attempt took place in October 2014, but SpaceShip II crashed, killing its deputy commander and seriously injuring the commander.

The second experiment, last April, managed to fly at an altitude of 25,000 meters and then fell smoothly.

The company aims to lift passengers to 100 kilometers above the surface of the earth. Rotation of the globe in the midst of darkness

The company has not yet announced Mo Count passenger flights, but selling tickets worth $ 250,000 per ticket.

For more information:

The first UAE astronaut will visit space next April

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