The UAE team is the champion of the final round of the Tour de France


Thank you for reading the news of the Emirates team champion of the last round of the Tour de France and now we start with the details

Sharjah – by Ayman Al Fateh – Emirates on the podium. From the source

the Emirates team gave a world victory to the country by winning the last round of the Tour de France which was held yesterday, where the Norwegian cyclist Alexander Christophe won the last stage for continue to shine in the global races.

The Emirates team with Alexandra Christophe finished second with 246 points in the Tour de France, followed by Slovenian Peter Sagan of Pura Hansgrue, first with 477 points, while Frenchman Arnaud Demar finished third of the team. Groupma FG Jay, with 203 points. Thank you for reading about the UAE The Emirates team is the champion of the Gulf 365 final round and we inform you that the content of the topic was written by the UAE today and that you can read and follow this news from the main source of the following link UAE Today and we are not responsible for the content of this news

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