Technology News Today – Google must sell Google Play apps and services in Europe


Before we start talking about Google's sale of Google Play services and its applications in the EU, we need to get back to reality: we came back in July, when Google was sentenced to $ 5 billion. 39 euros by the European Commission for the monopoly of the Android system. Competitive because of its policies towards it.

To explain the sentence in more detail, let's talk about simple points. The Android system is an open source system based on the Linux kernel, developed and developed by Google, which provides companies with its own version of the system, as well as its famous updates over the years. The agreement between Google and the smartphone operators that Google will provide them is free, Search and Chrome browsers and some other services do not have the right to install phones in versions of the system other than those developed by Google, which were quickly used, for example, on the Amazon version of the system.

With the Google services and applications installed by default on the system, their applications have reached an unprecedented popularity and number of users and pose a barrier for other application developers. You can for example develop a Internet browser and place it in a Google store. It will not be possible to compete with the default Chrome browser. With the system and in this case, we can consider it with the rest of the services.

The problem is that Google monopolizes the system and does not allow phone developers to use other versions such as Fire OS, Lineage OS, Tizen and other versions, all based on Android, and their default application on phones eliminates all competition with competing applications. On the monopoly and exploitation charges before the European Commission to make its decision by forcing Google to lift the imposition of the installation of applications on a hypothetical system and should allow manufacturers to phones using other versions of Android.

Google fined $ 5 billion

Such a rule completely eliminates Google's profits, relying on the free provision of the system and the benefits of its services installed on the default system, which prompted Google CEO Sundar Pichai, to signal immediately after the Google version of the system would not remain free.

Fortunately, Google has given up the idea of ​​selling its version of the system to companies wishing to use it and decided to keep it free, but Google will sell a license to use its set of services and services. its apps (Play Store- Google Play Services- Gmail- YouTube- Chrome- Google Search- Google Music …) at a fixed price and the licensing process is limited to devices sold in the European Union. This statement is not mandatory for anyone who wants to use the version of Google's Android. Any company can use the version of Google without getting the license and the package of applications to provide any other store as it sees fit. Businesses can finally use other versions of Android, but they are not allowed to use them. Google services.

Google Play service solution

With this decision, Google requires smart phone manufacturers to buy their offers to provide at least 2.6 million Google Store, which does not contain Android app store on a quarter of this figure, but the most important is that Google Play Services is almost an essential part of more than 90% On the store and its removal means that these apps do not work properly or that some of them stop working completely.

As a result of this decision, Google will develop mobile phone companies with two options:

  • Buy the service pack and applications
  • Trust another store and another hand for Google Play services
  • Find another version for Android and another store

Will this allow Google to better control the system and collect more money or will it allow its competitors to prove themselves?

In addition, the spokesman for the European Commission said that the court decision did not ask Google to sell its services and that, as the European Union did not want to sell its services, Google does not wish to change its policy instead of imposing more fines on users.

In your opinion, has this decision allowed Google to impose more control over the system? Or does he open the door to his competitors? And what services do you think you can compete with Google services, even in a modest way?
Share your opinion!

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