Facebook launches the latest digital data devices "Portal"


# Facebook revealed a few days ago a new device called # Portal Portal, similar to audio products produced by big tech companies such as Apple, # Google, # Microsoft, # Amazon and others.

This new device comes with a high-definition display, an integrated camera and four microphones. It includes Alexa's Amazon Voice Assistant service, where it can perform some of the tasks and answer your questions. It comes with high quality speakers that allow you to listen to your favorite music via apps such as Spotify and Pandora. .

But the biggest problem for the tech community is whether this device will maintain the privacy of its users, which will ensure that this device with camera and microphones in the living room will be secure and what type of data it can hold. Does this device only talk about its users?

All of these issues seem logical in the face of Facebook's recent user data scandals, which leads us to try to answer these questions by following reports published in the technical community.

Ads will not show on the portal screen, but data such as the contacts you are calling and the apps you use on your device can be used to target you with personalized ads on your device. 39, other Facebook platforms.

The voice calls in Portal depend on the structure of the application # Facebook_Singer Thus, when you make a voice call via Portal, Facebook collects the same data that you collected when you use the Messenger application, such as the call duration and the number of calls used to target you through ads on Facebook and on platforms. A spokesman for Facebook told Record by e-mail.

This is not surprising: having a Facebook device at home is a new way for Facebook to learn more about you and to target ads based on your interests because it's the basic business model of Facebook. .

On a phone call to Reode with the vice president of product, Rafa Camargo confirmed that, although # can be used by the portal for advertising targeting purposes, he does not know if this is really going to happen or not, and added that there was no plan in the portal to use the data collected in the portal. Targeting ads because ads are displayed on the portal.

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