The upcoming conference on investment launched the "Sharjah Declaration for the Empowerment of Youth" – Last Dubai


Sharjah, 24 October 2005 (WAM) – The conference on future investments has been launched in 2018
The Sharjah Declaration for the Empowerment of Young People, resulting from the sessions
Debate the first day of the conference between representatives of the institutions
Governmental and non-governmental organizations, local and international, and youth
Middle East and North Africa.

The Declaration contains nine main themes, including youth in general and young people
Refugees, children and women in particular, and calls for the creation of a social climate
Economic and academic levels to give young people the necessary skills and expertise
In addition to providing resources to support programs and programs for training and scientific and professional training
In countries plagued by conflict and poverty.

Sheikh Sultan bin Abdul Aziz attended the closing session of the first day of the conference
Ahmed Al Qasimi, Humanitarian Envoy of the Heart Foundation and Sara Bint
Yousef Al Amiri, Deputy Minister of Advanced Science and Sheikh Saqr Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi
Chairman of Sharjah Sports Council.

Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qassimi said that "despite the horrors of conflict and what
It does not just mean wars
The difficult situation in which warships are superior to the arms war is one of those challenges.
Youth unemployment rates rise and their proportions rise in many societies
Especially in the Middle East and North Africa, marginalization of youth and lack of opportunities
Make decisions and shape the future of their countries of origin.

"There are international reports that sound the alarm for high rates of illiteracy between
Youth in Poor Countries and Countries in Conflict and Challenges to Abort Youth's Dreams
And directing their thinking towards division and terrorism ", stressing that the danger zones are terrible
This requires immediate recognition, especially as it is linked to the destinies of countries and periods

"We all recognize the importance of re-developing and empowering youth from conflict
And instilling in them human and social values ​​after their rebellion
Conflicts and stress the need for concerted efforts and strengthened interinstitutional cooperation
Find quick solutions to unemployment problems and save young people from claws
The emptiness in the activation and support of pilot programs and because the problem arose from
Crises of different types We must find effective solutions to the consequences of crises
And develop programs and strategic plans to solve problems. "

He underlined the importance of the future investment conference, which is based on the partnership
Young people provide answers and perceive solutions, these discussions can form
Inspire decision-makers, considering that the conference draws a new map for the future
Youth in the Middle East and North Africa through inspirational stories of people
They are born of suffering and turned pain into hope.

And emphasized the elements of the strength of this map, which is represented in the institutions and bodies dedicated
Its efforts to promote the situation of refugees, displaced persons, displaced persons and people in difficult circumstances
Partnership, cooperation and commitment that strengthen their role and give them the right to imitate

For her part, said Sara Al Amiri, investments in youth are essential.
Investment in the future and the United Arab Emirates enjoy the youth
The enlightened leadership has a clear vision as well as a national policy based on the provision of everything
This would favor young people and give them the support and confidence they need to
Areas to contribute to the current and future UAE industry.

"Today, thanks to the support of good leadership, our young people have many
Interests and ambitions that helped turn the impossible into reality and create opportunities
For young people to play their role in the process of development and industry of the future, and in this context
The state chose a youth group to establish the national space program and in the first
His space exploration project was named a member under 35 years old.
Demonstrates state confidence in the abilities and skills of its youth and their ability to overcome challenges
"He said.

Al-Amiri pointed out that science and technology started with the basics of
Theories and scientific discoveries have emerged from our Arab region, which means that we have
The opportunity to take back the civilization lived by our ancestors and that requires the establishment and support
Institutions and individuals working in the field of knowledge.

"The challenges of our region are many, if not political, they are environmental
Health, or science as food, health, water and energy security are essential to support
Stability in this area and solutions in these areas need to be innovative
And built on the technologies developed in our region. "

The Sharjah Declaration on Youth Empowerment stresses the importance of promoting child readiness
Youth of the future and motivate them to participate in the decision-making process
And encourage them to develop life skills to prepare for an education
Join the labor market and be active citizens and able to keep abreast of
The process of personal and professional development and the promotion of policies that create an environment
And recognizes the importance of their role in societies as a catalyst for achieving
Stability and economic growth and integration of gender equality in all areas
Plans, policies and programs to empower, protect and support youth.

It has also benefited from ongoing efforts to reform education and variables
Demography as an opportunity to invest in human capital to do more
Economic development and growth and coordinate the efforts of Governments and United Nations agencies
Non-governmental organizations, academics and the private sector for the development of education
And encourage open systems with flexible learning opportunities outside of school.

The Declaration also emphasized that the spirit of enterprise among young people is a strength
Promote social and economic development as an enabler and catalyst
Achieving the goals of sustainable development and creating favorable and encouraging conditions
For young entrepreneurs, especially given the growing youth population
The world makes it an effective and influential force to build a better world if it is taken
Good decisions have now been made and appropriate investments have been made to reach the goal

Finally, make sure all young refugees are protected from violence and abuse
Exploitation and care to provide the necessary services, including health support
Psychosocial and social attention and pay close attention to the interests of young refugees in all
Problems affecting their well-being and their future.

60 and more speakers will attend the upcoming Investment Conference
600 officials, experts and young people with more than 3,000 people.

– Petel –

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