United Arab Emirates and Serbia sign Memorandum of Cooperation Agreement in the fields of research and science – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

UAE Education Minister Hussein Al-Hammadi and Serbian Minister of Education, Science and Technology Development Mladen Cherchevich have signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the United Arab Emirates two parts. According to the official minutes of the Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates via Twitter on Thursday, the memorandum of understanding aims to open cooperation perspectives in the fields of research and science at the level of higher education institutions in both countries.

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UAE Education Minister Hussein Al-Hammadi and Serbian Minister of Education, Science and Technology Development Mladen Cherchevich have signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the United Arab Emirates two parts.

According to the official minutes of the Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates via Twitter on Thursday, the memorandum of understanding aims to open cooperation perspectives in the fields of research and science at the level of higher education institutions in both countries.

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